If there’s one thing my life as a heart surgeon has taught me, it’s that momentous changes can happen in the blink of an eye. It takes just one moment of inattention or exhausted carelessness … In The Blink of an EyeRead more
Death – the Negotiator
I am intimately familiar with Death. As a heart surgeon, my professional work involves a delicate dance with this deadly partner. Heart surgery takes a patient literally within arm’s reach of dying – before snatching … Death – the NegotiatorRead more
Don’t Waste Time On Social Networking!
Over the last 10 days, I’ve set up a profile on Facebook and grown it to include 347 ‘Friends. And also done it on LinkedIn, where I now have 47 ‘Connections’. I have posted close … Don’t Waste Time On Social Networking!Read more
Celebrity & Priorities
My friend is a film director. I remember the first time we met. We were chatting, when he asked, “Doctor, do you know ____ ?” mentioning a name (that I later learned) was of an up and … Celebrity & PrioritiesRead more